6 Post-Processing 6.1 Setup Super Admin  Caution Super admin role SFCC Super Admin and group SFCC Super Admin Group are created as part of the automation. Role SFCC Super Admin covers all required permissions for doing con昀椀guration and running the business processes. You can follow step Create Super Admin User [page 14] to create super user who will execute Post - Processing. If any suitable super user already exists in the company, skip the step Create Super Admin User to Assign Super Admin User into Permission Group [page 16] directly. 6.1.1 Create Super Admin User Use This section describes how to create a super admin user if customer does not have. This user is used for the business process execution and the further con昀椀guration. Procedure 1. Log on to your SAP SuccessFactors instance with user UPCAdmin and go to Admin Center using the following information: Link https://.successfactors.com/login Menu Path Home Admin Center 2. In Admin Center, via Import Employee Data functionality. To do so follow the steps below: • Type Employee Import in the tool search box and select the feature/tool from the list. • Choose Download a blank CSV Template Basic Import and save the 昀椀le on a share. • Fill the 昀椀le with the following information: Job Pro昀椀le Builder: Getting Started Post-Processing 14 PUBLIC

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