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Assessing employee acceptance of intelligent technology use in HR We asked employees to rate their comfort with 22 di昀昀erent HR use When we dug into the data to understand which speci昀椀c use cases cases of intelligent technology (the full list appears in the Appendix) ⸀ employees most and least preferred, we found that employees felt Across all use cases, only 23% of our respondents would be considered most positively about instances where intelligent technology enabled “promoters” (for example, proponents of intelligent technology, them to do their work more e昀昀ectively, such as 昀椀nding relevant in general) whereas 35% would be considered “detractors” (for documents, answering basic questions, or identifying learning courses example, skeptical of intelligent technology, in general), leaving 42% they should take ⸀ Employees felt most negatively about use cases as “passives” (for example, do not have a strong sentiment toward where intelligent technology was used to evaluate them, such as to intelligent technology, in general). This indicates, 昀椀rst, that employees assess their performance, 昀椀t with a job, or skill level. are indeed discerning about the application of intelligent technology in the workplace, and second, that organizations have an opportunity to increase overall acceptance and adoption by turning those employees who are currently “passive” into promoters ⸀ People want technology to enable them ⸀ ⸀ ⸀ People do not want technology to evaluate them ⸀ ⸀ ⸀ • Calculating the number of hours I spend working each day • Conducting my exit interview when I leave a company • Answering my basic HR questions • Analyzing my performance in a job interview • Completing basic HR tasks • Assessing how well I communicate with others • Suggesting relevant HR documents and instructions • Determining my 昀椀t with a job I applied for • Suggesting learning courses I should take • Determining how well I am able to withstand challenges at work • Calculating my pay increase • Measuring my stress at work and risk of quitting • Analyzing my leadership (for example, how often I provide feedback or recognition to coworkers) Figure 5: Turning detractors into passives and passives into promoters: Where to start and what use cases to avoid Our take on these 昀椀ndings is not to suggest that organizations should door” to further adoption ⸀ And for those use cases that do encounter only adopt administrative use cases of intelligent technology, nor is it resistance from employees, we urge organizations to take employee to say that organizations should automatically and necessarily avoid sentiment into account and to consider how they can increase use cases where intelligent technology is used in a more evaluative employees’ sense of trust and comfort ⸀ We discuss best practices sense ⸀ Rather, we believe that these results can be used to help for increasing employees’ acceptance and adoption of intelligent organizations know “where to start” – in other words, which use cases technology in part IV ⸀ are likely to be met with least resistance and can serve as a “foot in the

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 8 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 7 Page 9