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Are HR and employees on the same page? We wanted to understand the extent to which HR’s stated current and Again, we do not include these 昀椀ndings to suggest that organizations future areas for intelligent technology investment matched up with the should avoid consider adopting intelligent technology for these two use areas that employees feel most comfortable and receptive toward ⸀ cases ⸀ Rather, we want to reiterate the importance of understanding employees’ concerns around recruiting and career pathing use cases Our data suggests good alignment in general, but two particular areas speci昀椀cally so that interventions can be designed to increase trust and where HR and employees disagree are the use of intelligent technology acceptance ⸀ for recruiting and career pathing ⸀ Where are HR and Employees aligned? Where are HR and Employees misaligned? Both HR and employees like intelligent technology for: HR and employees disagree on the use of intelligent technology for: • Learning new skills • Development opportunities • Recruiting automation • HR self-service • Career pathing Both HR and employees dislike intelligent technology for: • Sensitive data • Evaluation (of performance, potential, etc ⸀) • Employee monitoring Figure 6: Use case desirability: Are employees and HR aligned?

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 9 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 8 Page 10