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Part II: How do employees feel about intelligent technology at work? Our research revealed that decisions related to the adoption of intelligent Although the media has often depicted employees as being fearful of and technology do not sit solely with HR, but rather span across other resistant toward intelligent technology at work, our employee survey data decision-makers in the C-suite as well as legal, compliance, and other paints a more nuanced picture ⸀ The apprehension may exist, but so does groups ⸀ However, we would argue that employees too should have a voice a sense of optimism and excitement about the potential value that these (whether implicit or explicit) in the intelligent technology and use cases technologies bring ⸀ that an organization implements ⸀ Emotions elicited by intelligent technology* Afraid Distressed Apprehensive Excited Content Optimistic 25% 26% 44% 74% 75% 80% *% of employees who selected “yes” vs ⸀ “no” Indeed when we asked employees what they felt were the biggest employees” and 81% agreed or strongly agreed, “I trust that my company motivations behind companies adopting intelligent technology, the more would use intelligent technology responsibly ⸀” negative sentiments (for example, “to get employees to work longer and harder” or “to automate or eliminate jobs”) were rated as the weakest Taken together, these 昀椀ndings suggest that employees are not inherently motivations, while positive bene昀椀ts such as “to help employees do their starting from a baseline of skepticism or distrust ⸀ Therefore, organizations jobs more e昀昀ectively” or “to give employees more 昀氀exibility in how they have an opportunity to secure and build upon that trust by creating the work” were rated as the strongest ⸀ right conditions whereby intelligent technology enhance – rather than detract from – their experience ⸀ And, when it comes to responsible adoption, it turns out that employees genuinely trust their employers. Our survey data shows that 75% of Trust starts by understanding the speci昀椀c use cases that employees are employees agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I trust that comfortable with, and those that they feel are invasive or not bene昀椀cial. my company would only adopt intelligent technology that bene昀椀tted Employees rated the following reasons the strongest Employees rated the following reasons the weakest motivations behind companies adopting intelligent motivations behind companies adopting intelligent technologies: technologies: 1. To improve company’s overall e昀케ciency 1 ⸀ To provide employees with a more personalized experience 2. To help employees do their jobs more e昀昀ectively 2 ⸀ To automate or eliminate employees’ jobs 3. To give employees more 昀氀exibility in how they worked 3 ⸀ To get employees to work longer and harder Figure 4: Employees are generally positive about intelligent technologies at work  ⸀

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 7 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 6 Page 8