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Where are organizations investing today? What trends are on the horizon? A key di昀昀erentiator amongst those more and less mature organizations recruiting and learning were the two highest priority areas for adoption was the breadth of their adoption of intelligent technology ⸀ Although less as of today, but interestingly were expected to be deprioritized in the near mature organizations tended to have adopted only a single use case or future to make room for use cases that support employees and internal several basic use cases in one HR area, more mature organizations had mobility ⸀ explored adoption of intelligent technology across the entire employee journey ⸀ Interviews with our customer organizations revealed that Key HR areas and use cases: Current and future adoption priorities Current Future HR Area Use Cases Priority Priority Recruiting CV matching, automated scheduling & interviewing, chatbots, “Tinder Pro昀椀le” for # 1 employees Learning Learning recommendations/“pathways” (what employee needs now, next, and what # 2 skills org needs), VR learning Employee Engagement Chatbot (for admin and more complex tasks), HR self-service & ticketing Intelligent # 3 employee engagement platform Internal Mobility Skill pro昀椀les and career paths, opportunity # matching, succession identi昀椀cation 4 Analytics* Workforce planning, skill planning # 5 Figure 3: *While our primary focus is employee-facing examples of intelligent tech in HR, there are also “back office” use cases HR currently/plans to leverage .

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 6 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 5 Page 7