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Part IV: How can organizations empower employees with intelligent technology? When it comes to introducing intelligent technology in the workplace “Rarely can you overcommunicate and driving a positive experience for employees, our research suggests to employees – especially when it the following best practices: comes to adoption of technology ⸀” –HR leader 1. Provide employees with more information about the purpose and 3. Give employees autonomy where possible scope of the technology It is important that employees have a sense of autonomy and To make employees feel more comfortable with and willing to use ownership when it comes to their data ⸀ As discussed earlier, many of intelligent technology, transparency is key, as one of the HR leaders the organizations we spoke with are taking an extremely conservative we interviewed stated ⸀ Indeed, of 44 interventions tested in our approach to data management and asking critical questions around survey, we found that “Providing employees more information about ability to access and delete data permanently ⸀ This is top of mind for the data intelligent technology uses” (#1) and “Providing employees employees as well. Our survey data shows that employees rated “The more information about how the intelligent technology works” (#2) ability to access any data collected by intelligent technology upon were rated most important to increasing employees’ willingness to request” and “Allowing employees to opt out of any systems collecting use intelligent technology ⸀ It is also in organizations’ best interests data that they are not comfortable with” as the #4 and #5 most to provide employees with more transparency around where their important interventions (out of 16) for increasing their willingness to data is stored, how it will and won’t be used, and the rationale use intelligent technology ⸀ behind organization adopting the intelligent technology ⸀ In fact, “Understanding the bene昀椀ts associated with the use of the technology (for example, “what’s in it for me?”)” was rated the second most important intervention by those “detractor” respondents in our survey, suggesting that this information is particularly important for getting more skeptical employees on board ⸀ 2. Ensure decision accuracy and equity One of the biggest concerns associated with the use of AI discussed in the popular and business press is bias. In fact, IDC1 predicts that by 2025, 50% of the Global 2000 will increase data scientist diversity by 50% to help mitigate AI bias and errors in development and model training ⸀ According to our own employee survey data, “Conducting tests to ensure decisions and recommendations generated by the intelligent technology are equitable” was the third most important intervention overall to increase employees’ willingness to use intelligent technology ⸀ However, when it came to those particularly skeptical employees (for example, “detractors”), this was rated the most important intervention, followed by other accountability mechanisms such as “Establishing an organizational fairness o昀케cer or ethics board to be responsible for implementation ⸀” 1IDC, Futurescape: Worldwide Future of Customer and Consumer 2022 Predictions, 2022, Doc #US48297321, October 2021

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 11 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 10 Page 12