Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Moving from SAP ERP HCM to SAP SuccessFactors Solutions HR personnel were able to easily create and modify workflows and reduce the time spent on security and process authorizations. Without being tied to an installed application that required network access, it “SAP SuccessFactors has provided a was easier for HR teams to access and provide a consistent platform, foundation, and quick mobile signoff to keep processes moving and avoid roadblocks. It was also easy for teams to governance for our local, regional, and temporarily delegate authority and hand off work to global processes and allowed us to keep co-workers to better accommodate vacation and them consistent as we innovate and leaves. integrate new services.” • Faster onboarding and training: SAP SuccessFactors provided tools and modules designed for onboarding and the training of new and existing resources. Less of HR’s time was spent developing, maintaining, coordinating, and supporting learning plans and performing manual onboarding activities. One customer reported that the time their team dedicated to supporting onboarding was cut in half and that they were able to shift these resources to other functions. Employees could perform self-guided courses and spend less time to become adept at what they needed to do. Records tracked employee progress and provided proof of completion. In addition, HR was able to provide users with a clear path for growth, allowing HR to act as a partner and better support the employee’s chosen path. • More efficient management of talent: HR teams were able to use simple and re-usable workflows to spend less time on requisitions, compensation, succession planning, etc. One of the major benefits was that information provided during the application process was propagated to the hiring and onboarding process, helping to accelerate each function. Because of the simplicity of SAP SuccessFactors, HR teams were able to manage larger workforces with the resources that they had instead of having to grow and were able to use less-experienced HR resources to achieve certain tasks that previously had required more senior resources. • Simplified support: SAP SuccessFactors customers were able to offload most of the burden to support the platform (previous platform, database, and hardware-related issues), as SAP provides the required support burden to deal with any issues in the platform and software itself. There were far fewer issues to deal with and no need for IT teams to support hardware and developers to patch and support custom implementations. With “With SAP SuccessFactors, we were able SAP SuccessFactors, all customers across all to transition our HR team away from organizations are running on the same platform, and acting as ‘keyboard warriors’ that enter SAP can do a better job pre-testing, patching, data for people to focusing on delivering detecting, and remediating bugs that could be benefits and education and forming a discovered at any one implementation but that are tighter connection with our employees.” then fixed for all customers. This results in a more stable and tested platform with fewer issues, with HR and IT teams spending far less time to support it. Improved Business Agility and Enablement Customers reported that SAP SuccessFactors also helped to drive greater business agility and innovation for providing new employee services and enabled improved visibility and insight when making workforce-related decisions. These benefits included: • Improved business agility: For both new deployments and HCM modernization efforts, SAP SuccessFactors helped to provide improved business agility for organizations to make changes quicker. Organizations benefited from faster initial implementation for new business initiatives with tools that provided the ability to mass load data to speed changes, migrations, mergers, and acquisitions. Simplified data entry made all tasks much faster to achieve while enforcing consistent business rules. 8

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