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Part I: Is HR ready to embrace intelligent technology? of where to start), or, somewhere in between? Not surprisingly, our It was important for us to 昀椀rst understand organizations’ levels of maturity related to intelligent technology adoption ⸀ Were results showed a wide dispersion of maturity across the organizations organizations aggressively adopting these technologies, waiting for we spoke with ⸀ them to 昀椀rst prove their value, actively avoiding adoption (unsure “Non-Active” (44%) “Reactive” (22%) “Proactive” (34%) • These companies were grappling with • These companies were often in process • These companies tended to be early immaturity of org from digitalization of broader digital transformation, and adopters of technology in general, staying perspective generally, often dealing with viewed adoption of intelligent technologies abreast of major trends and new/emerging existing legacy systems as a priority technologies • Unsure where or how to start their journey • Waited for technologies to prove • Actively adopting intelligent technologies with intelligent technology and are seeking themselves before adopting, but now feel across employee journey, though use cases external guidance prepared to act still tend to be relatively basic • May have adopted very simple use • Question how quickly they can mobilize to • Sometimes have small team dedicated to cases (for example, chatbot) but have deliver more mature vision building these technologies in-house not considered adoption across employee journey Figure 1: The three maturity levels of organizations’ intelligent technology adoption in HR

Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology - Page 4 Empowering Employees and Organizations with Intelligent HR Technology Page 3 Page 5