Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Moving from SAP ERP HCM to SAP SuccessFactors Solutions The needs and expectations of the workforce are changing as workers have become accustomed to intelligent technologies that allow them to quickly and easily access the information needed and perform the tasks that are required of them. Expectations are changing, and workers demand that their employer delivers them a modern and tailored experience to empower them to understand and negotiate the tasks required of them, learn and grow, and receive fair and transparent pay and recognition based on their performance rather than their position. Organizations need to become more agile across all functions of the business and move toward simple but efficient digital platforms that put them in a better position to execute on business priorities and enable their incoming, outgoing, and existing workforce. Shifting from an admin-centric on-premises platform to an employee-centric cloud platform enables modern organizations to do just this. Many companies struggle to take the first step to overcome common hurdles like creating a business case to get funding and overcoming organizational readiness concerns. An ROI analysis should consider moving to pay for a service-based model on a modern platform with the opportunity to transform business processes and clean up and carry forward essential and relevant data over to the new system. Potential pitfalls can be avoided, and projects can be accelerated and made more successful by choosing a trusted and experienced partner and a proven platform. SAP SuccessFactors HXM Solutions SAP SuccessFactors HXM solutions offer a comprehensive suite of offerings for organizations looking to optimize their HR operations and create a positive employee experience through cloud-based human resource management software that helps organizations manage their total workforce throughout the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to retirement. SAP SuccessFactors HXM solutions include capabilities for all HR processes, delivering individualized experiences that empower and motivate an organization’s people, enabling the organization to attract and retain talent, develop employee skills, and foster a positive workplace culture. SAP SuccessFactors solutions can help organizations lower costs while improving productivity, employee engagement, and data security. SAP SuccessFactors HXM solutions include a range of modules for core HR (SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central), time and attendance management (SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking), payroll (SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll), performance and goals (SAP SuccessFactors Performance and Goals), learning (SAP SuccessFactors Learning), recruiting (SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting), onboarding (SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding), compensation (SAP SuccessFactors Compensation), succession and development (SAP SuccessFactors Succession and Development), skills, analytics, and more. These modules are designed to integrate seamlessly with one another, providing a unified platform for managing all aspects of HR operations. SAP SuccessFactors HXM solutions maintais a focus on employee experience and provides a single portal for all tools and resources to help managers and HR professionals engage with employees, understand their needs and preferences, and tailor their development and career paths accordingly. SAP provides a simplified and accelerated path for existing customers looking to modernize from their current SAP ERP HCM on premises to SAP SuccessFactors HXM solutions. SAP provides customers with the expertise, tools, assets, and services to ensure success in planning, designing, implementing, and supporting their move. SAP provides their existing customers with features and results that would be extremely difficult for any other provider to deliver, while greatly reducing the risk of running into potential roadblocks and functional tradeoffs. 4

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